We had a big night out Friday night at the ...........................CIRCUS!! Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey brought the "greatest show on earth" to Huntsville, Alabama and we had a blast. The show was actually really good and the adults and the kids all had fun. We took a big group that included Mammy and Papa, Dan, Caroline, Me, Mary Bibb, Virginia, and suprisingly, Birdie and Dave. The little girls had been soooo excited at they were not disappointed, especially when Papa and Uncle Dave sprang for 3 $9 lemonades, 3 $9 sno cones, and 1 $8 box of popcorn! Sweet Papa even surprised each girl with a stuffed elephant that Caroline has slept with every night since. Here are some pictures of the big night:

This last picture makes me laugh. The circus did not get over until around ten o'clock and Virginia was basically passed out on his shoulder the whole time trying to get out of there through the masses of people. She finally lifted her little head up and I asked her if she had fun at the circus and this was the best smile she could muster!