Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Splish Splash!
Wednesday night Ginny brought the girls over to have dinner with us. (John is out of town for two weeks at banking school) We played sword fight and hide and seek but the best part of all was when we threw all three little girls in the tub together. They were so cute! We then put them all in their jammies and played some more. Bibby wore some that Vicki bought for Caroline when she gets older. They were way too small on Mary Bibb but she loved them anyway.

Country Club
On Monday, we swam in the new and improved pool at the Country Club. Bibby, Virginia, Emma Hensley and Abby were all there. It was a lot of fun and we look forward to doing it all summer long.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Memorial Day!
We had such a fun Memorial Day weekend...... On Saturday night, Mom, Dad, and I strolled Caroline, Mary Bibb, and Virginia out to Point Mallard to see the balloons and enjoy all of the festivities. The girls we adorable and so well behaved. Caroline and Virginia rode in the double stroller and everyone asked if they were twins?! Crazy. Bibby decided to be brave and try out the pony rides and all of the inflatables and had the best time ever. I loved just watching her and cant wait for the day Caroline does all of that too. (Actually I can because I love her baby stage, I just know that I will like that stage too!) We woke up Sunday morning to balloons flying directly over our house and then had a "family day" with just the three of us.

Friday, May 23, 2008
Bridge Street Fun
Ginny and I decided to take the girls to Bridge Street on Wednesday to do some shopping. We brought along our cousin Heather, who is 12, to help and Mary Bibb's best friend Lillianna. (Virginia stayed home..poor thing!) It was wild! Just getting there was an adventure. I was hoping that Caroline would nap on the way, but with two loud two year olds to look at, there was no way.
A pic from the car:
Wild! We really had a good time though. We managed to "power shop" and Mom, Dad, and Aunt Birdie met us for lunch. Fun day overall.
A pic from the car:
Monday, May 19, 2008
Caroline has the best cousins in the world and she absolutely loves them. She has three first cousins. My sister's girls are Mary Bibb and Virginia and Dan's brothers daughter is Hannah. Caroline could spend hours watching the two older girls. She laughs at Mary Bibb like no other. Mary Bibb "Bibby" will dance and dance to make Caroline laugh. Every day that they see each other (which is about every day!) Bibby walks up to Caroline, takes her face in her little 2 year old hands, and says "I love you Caroliiiiiiiiine." It is precious. Virginia is only 9 weeks younger than Caroline and they have finally started really watching each other and interacting a little bit. I know that they will be so is awesome that they will be in the same class and on ball teams together. Hannah is almost 11 and is such a big help with Caroline. She loves to feed her, change her, stroll her, anything I need! Caroline sure is lucky.
Bibby, Caroline, and Hannah
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Sick and Stuck Inside!!
Caroline has her first illness...not bad for six months but sad all the same. She has been really snotty for about a week and I noticed her pulling at her right ear. I took her to the pediatrician yesterday and he said that she has a right ear infection. He said it wasn't very bad, though. Thank Goodness! She has still been as sweet as ever and just fusses a little bit every once in awhile. She really fusses and HATES it when I suction her nose. Hopefully we will be back out and about by tomorrow but here are some pics from being stuck inside the last couple of days.
New toy!
Look at that expression!
Making Daddy proud..palming her basketball.
Making Daddy proud again...watching ESPN.
Look at that expression!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Sitting up and the Dirty Thirty!
Saturday night we went to party for three local guys who were all turning thirty, one of who is my sister Kate's boyfriend. It was such a blast...they had a huge tent set up and kids were running everywhere! While we were there, Caroline decided that she was ready to sit up and did, all night! (I think she was waiting on an audience) She is turning into such a big girl! 
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
As of Monday, my little bitty baby is officially half a year old??!!!?!? How and why is the time going so fast? I can clearly remember being newly pregnant and not being able to fathom that 9 months would actually go by and I would get to meet my precious child. Pregnancy passed so slowly but Caroline's life is going by so fast. I think it might be because these last 6 months have been the happiest and most rewarding of my entire life. Caroline, you have changed so much. You went from a 7 pound 6 ounce, 20 inch long peanut to a 16 pound 1 ounce, 27 inch long spitting, drooling, squealing, laughing, sitting (almost), rolling, standing, humping, dancing, grinning little girl. You are so happy, you smile at everybody and Daddy and I are so proud to show you off. You are such an easy lay down awake for naps and night and sleep like a champ and you are always so happy to see us when we come and get you after you wake up. Your favorite things to do are stroll, spit, blow bubbles, swing, eat, and snuggle with me in the bed every morning. You go into a wild girl dancing routine of pumping your arms up and down and kicking when I sing "Go Caroline Go Go." You also have the amusing talent of "humping" on your back when I sing "Caroline has junk in her trunk so she humpity humps!" (Kind of embarrassing that I sing that but really funny) You love to be outside and you love your Mommy and Daddy soooo much. You love going to visit your Bibby and Gin Gin (cousins) too. I never realized how much my life would change in such a short time but it is definitely for the better. Here are some of my favorite pics to show how much you have grown in your first 6 months.
The day we brought you home from the hospital.
Two months old and the day Virginia came home from the hospital. Bibby was so proud. You had just had your 2 month shots so you were a bit drowsy.
Four months old...first time eating baby food.
5 months a birthday party.
6 the beach.

Sunday, May 4, 2008
A day at the park!
We went to the park today as a family.....this was special because Dan actually stayed home to be with us instead of playing golf on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. (Of course, he is out there now that we are back home!) Aunt Ginny and our Bibby met us there and Anne, Sam, and Anna Kate just happened to be there too. Bibby and Caroline went down the slide together...too cute. Caroline loves Mary Bibb like no other...she laughs her hardest when she is watching her. I am so excited that Caroline is going to get to grow up with her sweet cousins. Here are some more pics:
Friday, May 2, 2008
Caroline got to try a real fruit for the first time yesterday. Her Aunt Ginny and I gave her some watermelon in one of her nets and she absolutely loved it!!! She gummed it and sucked until there was nothing left except for the pile of juice she was sitting in. 
This is the best thing I have ever tasted!
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